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General Informations

General Rules:

  • Veteran Tournaments and Leagues are open to Sports International members, and those whose memberships expire while the tournaments and leagues are running can continue if they renew their membership. Open tournaments are subject to SI authorization.
  • To participate in tennis tournaments and leagues you must register online at www.tta.com.tr.
  • Players ranked in the top 8 on the ranking list can play in a tournament in their own category or in a higher category if they wish.
  • In order for an event to take place, at least 6 players from any group must be registered before the application deadline.
  • Withdrawal is until before the fixture draw. Players who withdraw after the fixture draw are obliged to pay the participation fees.
  • Players will be notified of the date and time of the first match at least one day in advance. After the first match, the winning player is obliged to contact the coordinator's desk and follow the date and time of the next match.
  • For doubles matches, a match notification made to any of the pairs is deemed to have been made to the team.
  • From the announced time of the match, the player must be on the court within 15 (fifteen) minutes at the latest, ready for the match.
  • A player whose match has been rescheduled must be on the court ready to play within 10 (ten) minutes after the coordinator's "go on court" command.
  • In matches stopped due to weather, technical problems, etc., the tournament venue may not be abandoned unless the match is postponed to another day by the Coordinator's instruction.
  • Each player is obliged to make every effort to finish and win the match he/she has started. Failure to do so may result in disqualification of the player and penalties may be imposed by the decision of the Coordinator.
  • In order for an activity to take place, at least 6 players from any group must be registered before the application deadline.
  • Professional active tennis coaches, professional active tennis operators will not be able to benefit from Sports International & Topspin Tennis Academy leagues and tennis court reservations. This rule will be applied as of 01.08.2019. This rule does not apply to Topspin Tennis Academy coaches.

Series Heads

The seeding application is determined according to the classification points on the date of the draw.


  • SI Tennis courts must be dressed in accordance with the rules of tennis, SI dress code, National and International tennis rules. *Definitions of appropriate clothing can be examined from TTF, WTA, ATP web pages.
  • Sports shoes suitable for the ground should be worn on the court, shoes that will damage the court ground should not be worn.
  • Personal belongings and wastes (water bottles, towels, rackets, packages, etc.) should not be left on the courts at the end of the matches out of respect for the other members who will be using the courts.

Fair Play

Each player is obliged to behave in a "fair play" manner, respecting his/her opponent, referees and spectators.

  • Slowing down or stopping the game outside the rules of the game, deliberately trying to irritate the opponent,
  • Violating the "no-referee rules" and constantly abusing no-referee play to their advantage,
  • Attempting to take a restroom or injury time-out at an inappropriate time or to change the flow of the match, contrary to the rules of the game,
  • Making it difficult for the referee and the Coordinator, trying to mislead them, constantly objecting, etc.
  • Those who swear at themselves, their opponent, the referee and the spectators at the tournament venue in a way that can be heard inside or outside the match,
  • Those who commit obscene and indecent acts,
  • Those who verbally harass,
  • Those who commit physical aggression,
  • Those who use prohibited medicines, drink alcoholic beverages before or during the competition will be warned by the coordinator, and if the warnings are not heeded, the matter will be reported to the SI management with a written report.
  • The above-mentioned situations will be carefully evaluated by the SI and TTA Management upon the warning of the Coordinator, and if necessary and according to the way the incident occurred, they may decide to issue a warning, reprimand and in case of repetition, disqualification.

In case of persistent negative behavior, SI and TTA may take necessary action against the member upon the joint decision of SI and TTA management.

In the following cases, athletes cannot participate in the next tournament in the activity calendar and cannot continue singles or doubles matches in the same tournament:

  • Athletes who have not paid the participation fee despite being included in the participation list,
  • Those who receive warnings, reprimands for the above fair play provisions,
  • Athletes with more than two WOs in group matches in a tournament.

Referee Presence In Tournaments

The coordinator is authorized to appoint observers or tower referees for the matches.

Observer Referee

They are the referees who constantly watch the matches being played by walking around the courts from the outside and, if necessary, act as court referees for a certain period of time. They may decide to enter the court and officiate the match themselves or fulfill the request of the tournament coordinator. They determine the duration of their stay on the court. They are not obliged to climb the tower inside the court. They may enter and exit the court several times during the same match.

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