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League Summary
League Details
League Rules
Category Arrangements
Ranking of Matches
Match Format
Matches Played
Point System
Adding and subtracting players from the squad
Placement of Team Lists and Categories and individual eligibility
Adding and subtracting players from the squad
Details of the play-off matches
Application (To be announced later.)

1. League Summary

1. The 2023 Topspin Çankaya Winter League is open to all athletes residing and playing tennis in Ankara. Topspin Çankaya Tennis Club Tennis Coordinator determines the eligibility of the teams participating in the league.

2. League Details

1. The 2023 Topspin Çankaya Winter League is open to all athletes residing and playing tennis in Ankara. Topspin Çankaya Tennis Club Tennis Coordinator determines the eligibility of the teams participating in the league.

3. League Rules

  • B category players can participate in both A and B league at the same time.
  • The Topspin Çankaya Category and Ranking List, which will be published when the league starts, will be used as the basis for the categories of the players owned by the teams. The league director reserves the right to make the necessary changes for athletes not included in the Topspin Çankaya Category and Ranking List. Teams may request support from the director before the start of the league if they feel that there is a lack of clarity regarding the category of their players.
  • Changes in the category of players can be made by the tennis director until the start of the play-off matches. The tennis director's observations and written objections by the teams will be sufficient to review the players' categories.
  • On the match day, there will be no vacancies on the team lists. Each position will be filled with one name (from the names available on the team roster).
  • The tennis directorate may take preventive decisions regarding incidents that may occur during the matches that may violate tennis ethics and disturb the general order.
  • In this direction, if there are unwanted incidents such as insults, swearing, threats, violence, etc. on the court, the tennis director will consider a penalty of 1 to 3 matches to the players after the investigation with the tennis board after listening to the parties and witnesses. Depending on the severity of the incident, the board may also decide to permanently suspend the players from the league.
  • If the incidents occur off the court, the director has the authority to evacuate the stands, postpone or cancel the match. If the off-court incidents are later reviewed by the board, the board will also consider the application of the penalties mentioned in the previous article if the persons involved are league participants.
  • Teams will have the right to coaching during matches throughout the league.
  • Before the start of each match, the match lists will have the signatures of the captain and the vice-captain chosen by the captain for that day.
  • During the matches, 2 people whose names are written on the list will be able to coach at the same time, provided that they are not on the same court at the same time.
  • Entry and exit to and from the courts will only be possible during change breaks.
  • It will not be possible for people who do not have a signature for coaching to enter the courts and it will not be possible to transfer the coaching right by proxy.
  • It will not be possible to transfer the coaching right given to the team captain to another player from the team.
  • The tennis director will evaluate the players who fall into the following groups regarding the requests for downgrading due to age. Accordingly, the tennis director will be able to change the categories of the players.
  • The age limit for M category men is 55,
  • The age limit for men in all other categories is 65,
  • The age limit for women in all categories is set at 60.

4. Category Arrangements:

Match Code
A League
Male #1

M/M, M/A+, A+/A+

M+ can be written instead of *M player. In this case Male #2 or With Player A instead of Player A+ in one of the Mix #1 matches must be exited.

(In case of M+/M in the Men's #1 match, category fall rule applies).

(Playing an M+ player in the Men's #1 match and in the Mix #1 match Category downgrade rule in case of female M valid.)

(1M+, category drops if 0M player plays rule does not apply).

**Matches with a maximum of 2M or 1M, 1M+ players Match appearance lists containing (3M) , (2M, 1M+) , (2M+) will not be accepted.

Male #2
A+/A, A+/B, A/A
Male #3
A/A, A/B
Female #1
A+/A, A/A
Mix #1

M/A+, M/A, A+/A+, A+/A

*Only Female actress can be preferred as a M actor. Male Match rosters containing M players will not be accepted.

**Matches with a maximum of 2M or 1M, 1M+ players Match appearance lists containing (3M) , (2M, 1M+) , (2M+) will not be accepted.

Mix #2
A/A, A/B, B/B
Mix #3
Mix #4

5. Ranking of Matches

Court 1
Court 2
Match Sequence 1
Male #3 A/A
Mix #2 A/A
Match Sequence 2
followed by
followed by
followed by
Male #1 M/M
Female #1 A+/A
Match Sequence 3
followed by
followed by
followed by
Mix #1 M/A+
Male #2 A+/A
Match Sequence 4
followed by
Mix #3 B/B
Mix #4 B/B

6. Match Format

  • Matches are played over three sets with a set tie-break (7 points) when the score is 6-6 and a final set match tie-break (10 points) when the score is 1-1. Decision points are applied in games.
  • Semi-final and final matches will be played with a referee and the remaining matches will be played without a referee.

7. Matches Played

  • The competition schedule between the teams will be announced in advance and the teams will give their team lists to the competition coordinator at least 15 minutes before the matches start on the day of the competition.
  • The team that does not submit the list 15 minutes before the start of the matches will be declared HUKMEN defeated. The starting time of the matches will be 19:00 on weekdays, 10:00 and 19:00 on weekends, and the other matches will be played afterwards, considering that the 2nd matches may start 1 hour later.
  • Any errors in the competition list are the responsibility of the Team Captains. No changes will be made after the lists are given and the teams are announced. The team with an error on its list will be deemed to have forfeited the match 6/0 6/0 after the determination made on the day of the match.
  • Match and score protests can be made by e-mail (coach@tta.com.tr) within 24 hours after the scores are published. Appeals after 24 hours will be considered invalid.
  • Warm-up time is 5 minutes.
  • Players whose names are called to the court at the start time of the first match of the team competition must be present on the court after the call is made, for the other subsequent matches, the players whose names are announced after the end of the match must be ready on the court within 15 minutes. Any player not on court at the specified time will be declared WO.
  • A total of 4 boxes of balls will be opened for each match (1 match = 8 matches) for the A league.

8. Points System

  • Each match played and won will be awarded 1 point.
  • The following criteria will be applied to determine the team rankings:
  • The team with the most points will be ranked higher
  • In case of a tie on points between two teams, the team that wins the match between the two teams will be ranked higher
  • If three or more teams are tied on points, the teams that will be ranked higher in the standings will be determined according to the following criteria
  • Number of Matches Won - Number of Matches Gained, if this is equal,
  • The Set Received - Set Given difference is greater, if this is equal,
  • The one with the larger difference between the number of Votes Received and the number of Votes Given, if this is equal,
  • The one with more Matches won, if this is equal,
  • The one with the higher number of sets received, if this is equal,
  • The one with the highest number of votes, and if this is equal
  • A ranking match is played between the teams.

9. Placement of Team Lists and Categories and individual eligibility

  • The captains will compile their team lists according to the latest published category lists (November 2023) and notify the coordinator by sending an e-mail to coach@tta.com.tr until 26.10.2023 (until 17:59). The League Coordinator will give the team additional time to correct the list that is deemed inappropriate by the League Coordinator.
  • Teams cannot play a player who is not included in the team list submitted in their League application.
  • Transfer and new player addition details for each team:
  • Transfers and substitutions can be made from the start of the team's first match until the end of the following 4th week.
  • Transfers are based on the time of the e-mail sent to coach@tta.com.tr.
  • Transfers or new player entries reported on the same day as the match date will not be valid for that match and the player(s) in question will only be able to be included in the list in the next team match.
  • One name will be given to each team.
  • Age limit - 16 years old and above including those born in 2007.
  • Matches will start on Topspin Çankaya Tennis Club indoor courts #3 and #4, with the final matches being played on indoor courts #1 and #2.
  • Matches will be played every day of the week.
  • The start time for weekday matches is 19:00 and the start time for weekend matches is 17:00.

10. Captains' responsibilities

  • Team captains are required to follow the renewed team lists (there may be category changes) on our website in November 2023.
  • The team lists they have created according to the announced category lists are notified to the League Coordinator by e-mail.
  • Captains ensure communication within the team and with the League Coordinator.
  • They are responsible for ensuring that all their players are familiar with the league rules.
  • Captains attend all meetings organized by the League Coordinator and report all information to their teammates. In cases where it is impossible for the captain to attend the meeting, he/she will make arrangements for another member of the team to attend.
  • Captains are responsible for submitting the list of all players who will play that day to the coordinator 15 minutes before their team's match and for ensuring that the players are present according to the match order and the pairings made according to the list provided.
  • The match roster for all matches will be written at the same time and before the start of the matches.
  • After the lists are announced on the match day and time, if the player of the team specified in the ranking list is not on the court despite the announcement, he/she may be WO'd by the decision of the coordinator.
  • At the end of their team's competition, they are responsible for reporting the scores of their matches to the coordinator and delivering the game ball in full.
  • Captains must notify the league coordinator in writing of any objections regarding the opposing team's match line-up and player categories by the end of the match day. Objections made after the match day will not be considered valid.

11. Removing and adding a player from the squad

  • Teams that will add and/or remove players during the transfer process must notify the Tennis Coordinator via e-mail to by 17.00 one day before their matches: Until 17.00 the day before their matches, they must notify the Tennis Coordinator by e-mail to coach@tta.com.tr.

12. Details of play-off matches

  • Players must have played at least once in a league match to be eligible to play in the play-offs. Players who have never played in league matches will not be listed in the play-offs.
  • After the league matches are over, the top 8 teams will continue in the play-off groups. Teams will carry half of the points they received during the league into the play-off groups.
  • The details of the play-off groups will be as follows.
  • Group A: Team #1, Team #4
  • Group B Team #2, Team #3
  • The remaining teams will be placed in groups by lot.
  • After the play-off group matches are completed, the 1st and 2nd teams of the groups will play a semi-final match.
  • The teams that win the semi-final match will play the final match to become the league champion.
  • The referee will officiate the semi-final and final matches.
  • In case the score is 4-4 in the semi-final and final matches, the 9th match will be played. The 9th match will be played in A+/A+ Mix Double format.

13. Application

  • The team fee will be published after the number of participants is determined.
  • The start of the application is 26.10.2023 2023.
  • Withdrawal is until XXXXXXXX 2023 at 14:00.
  • League fees are set at XXXXXXXXX per team in League A.
  • Fees must be paid by XXXXXXXXXX.
  • Players who want to play in the league but cannot find a team and teams that cannot find players can fill out the forms on the tournament page and submit their requests.
  • A team will be formed by the Coordinator by making the appropriate distribution from the players who fill out the form.
  • Tennis Coordinator may change the dates.
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